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Plattar Project data in Google Analytics
Plattar Project data in Google Analytics

How to understand your data in Google Analytics

Jonathan Keyse avatar
Written by Jonathan Keyse
Updated over a week ago

Your Google Analytics account data for your Plattar project will show you the success of your experiences when users interact with the content through the 3D Viewer. Below are definitions to help you understand the data:

Under ‘Engagement’/’Pages and Screens’, we would recommend to use the ‘Page title and screen class’ filter to see your data.

Views: Total count of views of the content, if Views count is higher than Users count, then users are viewing the content multiple times.

Users: Total count of unique users accessing the content

New Users: Total count of unique users accessing the content. A user is only counted as new on their first view

Views per user: On average the total number of views per user

Average engagement time: Average length a user spends with the 3D content open in minutes and seconds

Unique user scrolls: No relevant as the 3D experience is not a full webpage to scroll down

Event count: The aggregate number of loads of 3D content and/or clicks on the 3D content

Conversions: If your GA property is setup with goals, this will show aggregate count of meeting that goal

Total revenue: If your GA property is setup with values, this will represent the total revenue generated by users.

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