Guidelines for Image Anchors

How to design Image Triggers

Jonathan Keyse avatar
Written by Jonathan Keyse
Updated over a week ago


Image anchors need to fulfil criteria so they provide good tracking performance

  • Rich in detail, e.g.,  collages and mixtures of items

  • Good contrast, i.e., bright and dark regions, well-lit

  • No repetitive patterns, 


A feature point is usually a sharp, hard edged detail in the image, such as the ones present in textured objects. The image analyser represents features as small yellow crosses. 

The following examples show a star rating of their tracking ability. The higher the star rating of an image target, the stronger the detection and tracking ability it contains. 

Feature distribution

The more balanced the distribution of the features in the image, the better the image can be detected and tracked. Consider cropping the image to remove any areas without features.

Avoid repetitive patterns

Although some images contain enough features and good contrast, repetitive patterns hinder detection performance.

Avoid organic shapes

Typically, organic shapes with soft or round details containing blurred or highly compressed aspects do not provide enough detail to be detected and tracked properly or not at all. They suffer from low feature count.

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