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Do a Product Embed into a random page
Do a Product Embed into a random page

This guide can vary dramatically depending on the website itself.

Clark Lavery avatar
Written by Clark Lavery
Updated over a week ago

Step 1:

Go to the website you would like to embed a scene into in Chrome/Opera or Firefox.
Save the page through the menu command shown below.
Make sure to name the page 'index.html' as this can be difficult to change later.

Step 2:

Find the position in the code you would like to add the scene embed iframe. This will vary per site so the example I am going to work with is:

Step 3:

Paste in the scene embed iframe code. Now you can open up the site in your web browser (May need to run a web server to access the resources). Depending on the website you may want to add a style to it like style='width:100%' in order to make the frame scale responsively.

Step 4:

Zip up the 'index.html' files with all the 'index_files' and send them to us.


  • Please check that the page functions well on a mobile device.

  • Sometimes the image you are replacing will be part of a gallery slider (ie slick). In this case you should remove the gallery to prevent it from interfering and causing the Plattar frame to unload or load multiple times.

  • Font's are sometimes licensed and will not be downloaded if this is the case. 

  • There is likely to be a lot of 404 errors in the javascript console as it tries to load resources that were not saved. There isn't much that can be done easily to solve this.

  • Since we have no control, sometimes JavaScript will execute/fail to execute and change the layouts of the page. These issues will vary per site and have top be resolved on a per site basis

  • Please remove Google Analytics and Facebook Tracking from the page

  • You also may find this helpful to simulate the end result.

Use to run local server
npm install -g serve
then in the directory just serve 

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