Navigate the Home screen

Getting oround the Pipeline home screen: It's easy!

Written by Breno Glennon
Updated over a week ago

Home Screen

Navigating the user interface of the home screen is very easy and is the same for all user profiles. In this article, we’re taking the view of a requester.

After login, you will be redirected to the PIPELINE home screen.

From the home page, you can view or create:

  • specific project folders,

  • briefs (requests for new content to be modelled) or

  • new messages reltaed to 3D content in briefing or production stage.

Project Folders are created to store and organise briefs, 3D model outputs and other assets such as briefs and reference materials.

Briefs are requests sent out to PLATTAR and the modelling team to fully understand the project at hand. Note that ‘Brief’ and ‘Request’ are interchangeable throughout this and all other videos and help articles as they are used as one and the same.

Messages regarding specific briefs or 3D content outputs are exchanged between requesters, content creators and quality control via the inbuilt messaging system.

Before starting your first (or any new project) you need to create a new folder.

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